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[Tic Disorder, Tourette's Syndrome] Causes of Tic Disorder: Emotional and Environmental Factors Genetic Bacteria Dopamine Leaky Gut (2)

by #플라타너스 2022. 12. 9.

[Tic Disorder, Tourette's Syndrome] Causes of Tic Disorder: Emotional and Environmental Factors Genetic Bacteria Dopamine Leaky Gut (2)


4. [Dopamine hyperactivity]

Dopamine, one of the causes of tic disorder, is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system produced in various areas of the brain and is used to stimulate or inhibit motor nerves. It acts in areas such as the thalamus and basal ganglia (the part of the brain related to motor skills), and especially dopaminergic action in the basal ganglia is often related to tic disorders. It is related to motivation, punishment and reward, motivation, and especially addiction. When dopamine levels rise, cortical synapses are strongly stimulated, facilitating circuits that make something 'go', and weaken circuits that 'stop'. As progress takes precedence over stopping, the possibility of acting impulsively or becoming addicted to something increases. (That's why children with tic disorders are more likely to be emotionally and behaviorally impulsive than normal people. Of course, not everyone is like that, but for example, they don't think about the consequences of something calmly and do it recklessly, or It's hard to suppress momentary anger or emotion, so it explodes right away, or when you want something, you have to accept it at all costs. There are also cases where you impulsively shop for things you don't need.) Watching a smartphone, excessive intake of sugar such as sweets or soda, etc. can cause an imbalance of dopamine.

When dopamine is excessive for some reason, diseases such as tic disorder, schizophrenia, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), grandiose delusion or derealization, and bipolar disorder occur. When drugs that block the dopamine D2 receptor were used, tics were found to be weak, and the cause of the tics was speculated to be dopamine overload. The most likely cause of tic disorder is dopamine overdose, which is currently evaluated as the most likely cause, and many hospitals, neurology, and psychiatric medicine departments are currently trying to treat it using dopamine-blocking drugs.

5. [Leaky Gut Syndrome]

One of the causes of tic disorders is leaky gut syndrome. When the condition of the intestine deteriorates, the cells of the intestinal wall are damaged or small pores are formed, and toxins from food penetrate the intestinal wall and cause inflammation. In other words, you can think of it as a gap in the barrier. It is also called 'Leaky Gut Syndrome'. The intestine is originally designed to block external harmful substances and absorb only nutrients because the cells of the intestinal mucosa are densely combined. Toxins, viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc., which should not be, penetrate the body and into the blood, and spread to each organ and the whole body, causing disease. Because more than 70% of immune cells are present in the intestine, immunity decreases when intestinal leakage occurs. Toxins and bacteria that have penetrated into the intestines are transmitted to the brain via the vagus nerve and cause abnormal reactions in the brain, which may cause tic disorders.

Caffeine, alcohol, especially carbonated beverages that children like, stimulating foods and irregular eating habits can easily cause intestinal leaks, and stress can also be a cause. Or, frequent visits to the hospital to treat frequent colds or infections in childhood, and excessive antibiotic administration or taking a lot of medicines can also be a factor that causes leaky gut. Since antibiotics destroy all beneficial bacteria in the intestines, they lead to adverse changes in the intestinal microflora, which can cause tic disorders due to leaky gut.

